(Let's Go!)

or, Rome, Romans getting around Rome, and being temporarily Roman.

Last update: July 2, 2006.

Reading: Some of my thoughts on the subject, whatever that may be.
The Roman Traffic Scooter Safety Paradox.
Rome has a well-deserved reputation as a traffic nightmare. And yet I prefer to ride a scooter in Rome than in Boston. Here's why. last update: May 12, 2006
Energized and Edified, insead of Rubber-Kneed and Glassy-Eyed.
When confronted with a visit to one of the world's richest troves of history, how do you begin? last update: May 12, 2006
Trivia is the cream in the educational churn.
Here's a sampling of Italian-related fun stuff, including the occasional busted myth. last update: July 2, 2006
Graffiti on THAT?! Have they no shame?!
Does Rome belong to the Romans, or the world? last update: June 2, 2006
Reading: Major authors... besides me.
My bibliography this year.
Thoughts on some of my homework. last update: July 21, 2006
Seeing, part I: Home movies.
Skootacam, reel one.
Music by Lorenzo "Jovanotti" Cherubini, filmed from the sidewalk and from the handlebars of a 50cc Honda Sky, autumn 2005.
Seeing, part II: Photo albums.
Special Stuff
Mostra-scambi, a combination motorcycle and scoot show AND swap meet at a racetrack south of Rome. added: October 10, 2005
Autumn ride for the Lambretta Club of Lazio.
I waved these guys off at the Ponte Milvio on the Tiber on the northerly edge of Rome. What an assortment of Lammies! added: October 30, 2005
EuroVespa 2006... five days of nuttiness to, in, and from Turin.
I got to ride with the Romans. The empire lives! added: June 21, 2006
Other "albums."
We should have Smarts, too. This page is just for them... including the four-seaters ("ForFour") and the convertible sports coupe (yes, for real... a cool car) and some number of advertising-wearing Smarts. last update: May 30, 2006
Scooter tragedies.
Carcasses, beaters, the wretched and the abused. last update: May 30, 2006
For fun: as many unique "Senatus Populusque Romanus" as I could find. last update: October 25, 2006. 527 examples.
The Rione of Rome.
There are 22 neighborhoods of Rome within the Roman walls (ok, really 20 plus two outside). Here they are with a map and their symbols. added: May 30, 2006

Coming soon: the DIY Angels and Demons tour. Dan Brown's book from here on the ground.