Instantiations of the Dream:

TTW - Tilting Three Wheelers
Honda Gyro
Last updated 3/03

An explanation of description shorthand can be seen here. (For instance, what does 1F1T mean? It means the vehicle has one front wheel, and that one tilts.)

The Honda Gyro

1F1T, Natural, Gas, 1 seat, Open. I think they all had 50cc engines. If anyone knows more, I would like to publish more.

Jim H., back in 1999, sent these images:

Standard Honda Gyro

Gyro-S - Honda Gyro S. This is the model Jim has from 1985

Gyro-R - An 'official' variant of the Gyro, this one apparently for rescue services.

Ryan K., back in 1999, sent these notes:


The picture that you have on your site is actually a protype gyro X. I could send you some pictures of the 86 once i find them, and when i finish my 1984 i can send pictures of that also. Both of the scooters are 50cc. The 1986 turn suprisingly well also,(probably the safest 3 wheeler i have
ridden. They are electric start, and they are driven by an internal clutch system - 2 spd. There are no belts involved in getting it to move, just gears and clutches - much like a regular automatic in a car. there is only one drive wheel, which is the right one, (looking from behind the scooter).
The engine is oil injected, and carburated. The oil enters at the base of the intake manifold. To get the oil there, a tiny oil pump is driven by internal gears. they are 1 seater scooters, any more makes them a little top heavy. They have a 12v electrical system.

John Mason, in 1999,

let me know about his amazing web pages about the Gyro Canopy!

Gyro Canopy

It's a great website!

William "Buck" M. of Ohio,

back at the end of 2001, sent pics of his Canopy. Enjoy the detail! He wrote,

"Enclosed are some Gyro photos for you. The moped needs the dust washed off, but other than that I think there are enough different shots to give you a pretty good idea what the machine really looks like. I used a peice of rusty pipe to prop the bike up so I could get you some shots of a simulated lean. You will note that no matter the degree of lean, both rear tires are always flat on the pavement. I weigh in at 240 lbs and am over 6' and this moped can carry me around effortless. I had my wife 130lbs hop on the cargo area and away we both went. You could tell you had a load but it went. If I can answer any of your questions please let me know. BUCK"

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