last updated 3/03
"Calamityj" has sent along a bunch of useful stuff... (Thank you!)
Econogics has the entire manual on their website! Check it:
"A Brief History of Marketeer" The "Marketeer Company" was founded by Merle Williams of Long Beach California during World War II. During this period of gas rationing he built a small electric vehicle for his wife to go to the market. As others saw his creation as a solution to their short distance transportation needs too, he received requests to build additional vehicles. He later moved his company to Redlands California and shortly there after added electric invalid vehicles to his line of two wheeled electric bicycles. Vehicles for industrial applications soon followed. In early 1951 the first electric car designed specifically for playing golf was introduced. From this early beginning a full line of industrial vehicles and golf carts evolved. In 1965 Merle and Peggy Williams sold their "Marketeer Company" to Westinghouse. |
"A Brief History of Westinghouse Golf Carts" In 1965 Westinghouse purchased the "Marketeer Company" from Merle and Peggy Williams who had started the company around 1942. They continued building electric powered golf carts, industrial and specialty vehicles. They built a number of new models probably the most common of the golf carts being the 436 series four wheelers as pictured here. In 1976 Westinghouse revised their overall corporate strategy and the electric vehicle division was sold. Under it's new owners "HMK Marketeer" the company faltered as a result of management inefficiency and lack of capitol. After just a few months Westinghouse took the operation back and began looking for a strong and resourceful buyer that could restore the operation to it's proper stature. In 1978 they found a buyer and the company was sold to Nordskog Industries, Inc. Information courtesy of Eagle Distributing. Wiring diagrams are now available under Tech. Reference and Parts and Repair Manuals are now available. |
Max Hall hosts this page, with honor. Send Max email.
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